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Alpha Bullet Churan (ABC) Ayurvedic Laxative

Alpha Bullet Churan (ABC) Ayurvedic Laxative

Regular price Rs. 224.00
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Size: 100 g

Life is too short to wait and pressurize your body!

Make it easier, naturally, with the centuries-old secrets of Ayurveda for a well-regulated digestive system. Power packed with the proven strongest herbs that help you be in and be out in minutes!

Alpha Bullet Churan ABC is a totally natural and best Ayurvedic medicine for constipation. It works as a laxative, but this one, my friend, comes with extra benefits! Its ingredients, like Amla and Radish, are a blessing for your digestive tract, reducing inflammation and retaining balance.

Lic. No. MP/25D/20/789

Country of Origin


Key Ingredients

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

In Ayurveda, Amla is celebrated for its ability to balance all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), making it a universal healer. Specifically for digestion, Amla enhances Agni (digestive fire) without aggravating Pitta, promoting efficient digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Its cooling properties soothe the gastrointestinal tract, reducing acidity and preventing inflammation. 

Amla is a natural detoxifier, helping to cleanse the body of ama (toxins), thereby supporting overall digestive health.

Saunf (Fennel Seeds)

Saunf is praised in Ayurveda for its Tridoshic nature. However, it is particularly beneficial for balancing Pitta due to its cooling effects. It acts as a digestive stimulant, enhancing Agni while reducing digestive discomforts such as gas, bloating, and cramps. Saunf is also known to soothe the intestines, aiding in the smooth flow of digestion and preventing the formation of ama.  Its sweet taste and cooling properties make it an excellent remedy for heartburn and acidity.  

Isabgol (Psyllium Husk)

Isabgol, with its high content of soluble fiber, is praised in Ayurveda for its lubricating and cooling properties, making it beneficial for balancing Vata and Pitta doshas. It benefits in gently promoting bowel regularity without irritating the gut lining, supporting the elimination of ama.  

Isabgol is particularly recommended for those with a tendency towards dryness or constipation, indicative of Vata imbalance, as it helps maintain intestinal moisture and ensures smooth passage of stool. 

Sanaay (Senna)

The correct quantity at the right time!

 From an Ayurvedic viewpoint, Sanai is a potent Pitta and Vata pacifier known for its powerful laxative qualities. It works by stimulating the colon, aiding in the elimination of ama, and relieving constipation, a common Vata disorder. However, its intense action suggests it should be used with caution and guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner, as excessive use can lead to imbalance. 

Raw Green Tomatoes

Though not traditionally emphasized in Ayurvedic texts, raw green tomatoes can be understood through their qualities and effects. They possess cooling and astringent properties, making themsuitable for reducing excess Pitta. Their fiber content supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and detoxifying the body. Also, their acidity can stimulate Agni. 

Their use should be balanced to avoid aggravating Pitta! 

Mooli (Radish)

Mooli is highly valued in Ayurveda for its ability to balance Kapha and Pitta doshas. Its sharp taste and natural detoxifying properties stimulate the digestive fire, helping digest ama and preventing toxin accumulation. Mooli is also a natural laxative, promoting regular bowel movements and cleansing the digestive tract.  

Its high fiber content further aids in maintaining digestive health by ensuring smooth intestinal functions. 

Every herb is a wellness mechanism on its own, and when they come together with Ayurveda, they become a foolproof healing for the body, in this case, digestion.

Usage Instructions

A Spoonful of Strain-less Motions!

Fairly simple! Take a small amount and consume it twice daily with water to experience the magic and relief!

No more waiting hours and straining your body to perfect a mundane task! It improves digestion, cleanses your stomach, and detoxifies the core issues of constipation. 

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Frequently asked questions about Alpha Bullet Churan (ABC)

Alpha Bullet Churan Ayurvedic?

Yes, Alpha Bullet Churan is Ayurvedic. It combines renowned herbs known in Ayurveda in their purest form. Each of our bottles is brimming with the ancient magic of holistic and complete healing treatment.

What is the age limit for Alpha Bullet Churan?

Alpha Bullet Churan is generally recommended for adults and older people. However, it's safe and natural for anyone over 12 years. It can be a once-in-a-blue-moon thing like having fried last night or a chronic gas issue; it works for all.  

Why is Alpha Bullet Churan so effective?

Alpha Bullet Churan's effectiveness comes from its blend of natural Ayurvedic ingredients like Amla and Isabgol. These ingredients work together to promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. Its formulation is designed to gently treat constipation and improve gut health, making it an effective natural laxative.  

How can I lose my belly fat kilos with Alpha Bullet Churan?

While Alpha Bullet Churan is primarily a laxative and aids in digestion, improved digestion can support overall health and weight management. For belly fat reduction, combine it with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.  

What are the side effects of taking Alpha Bullet Churan?

Alpha Bullet Churan is a 100% natural Ayurvedic with no side effects. It does not cause harm to your body and has been built upon a well-trusted concept proven for centuries. As with any herbal preparation, observing the body's Prakriti (constitution) response is essential. 

Is Alpha Bullet Churan good for fatty liver?

Being an Ayurvedic laxative, ABC primarily aids in digestion and relieving constipation. It can indirectly support liver health by improving digestion.  

Does Alpha Bullet Churan cause loose motion?

Alpha Bullet Churan is designed to regulate bowel movements and alleviate constipation gently. If taken according to the recommended dosage, it does not cause loose motions. Being Ayurvedic, it does not do any harm to your body.  

What is Alpha bullet churan (ABC) Ayurvedic medicine for constipation, and how does it work?

Alpha Bullet Churan is an Ayurvedic digestive aid. It works by supporting the natural processes of digestion and elimination. The herbal ingredients in the Churan stimulate digestive enzymes, aid in the breakdown of food, and facilitate regular bowel movements, thereby promoting overall digestive health. 

What are the main ingredients in Alpha bullet churan (ABC) Ayurvedic medicine for constipation?

The key ingredients in Alpha Bullet Churan are simply the gift of natural Ayurvedic herbs like Senna, Amla, Saunf, Isabgol, and Radish. These herbs are selected for their properties that support digestion, cleanse the intestines, and promote regularity without being harsh on the system. 

How quickly can I expect results from Alpha Bullet Churan?

The time to see results from Alpha Bullet Churan can vary depending on individual digestive systems. Typically, effects can be noticed within 6 to 12 hours after consumption. However, consistent use per the recommended dosage is advised for the best results. 

Are there any dietary restrictions or guidelines I should follow while using Alpha Bullet Churan?

Balance is the key. Using Alpha Bullet Churan is beneficial for maintaining a balanced diet rich in fiber and hydration. Avoiding overly processed, high-fat, and spicy foods can enhance the product's effectiveness. As always, moderation is essential, and a well-rounded diet will support the course of nature. 

Can Alpha Bullet Churan be used alongside other medications or supplements?

With its natural Ayurvedic formulation, Alpha Bullet Churan is safe for other medications or supplements. Nature always ensures there's no Aushadha Asatmya (incompatibility). However, most of it lies in individual Prakriti(natural construction).

How should Alpha Bullet Churan be stored to maintain its effectiveness?

Store Alpha Bullet Churan in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture, to preserve its potency. This follows the Ayurvedic principle of 'Dravya Sthapana' (proper storage of materials), ensuring the herbal qualities remain intact and effective. 

Is Alpha Bullet Churan safe for long-term use?

Yes, ABC is entirely safe for long-term use. It does not have any side effects or harmful nature because of this natural and Ayurvedic composition. Each ingredient that goes into the bottle is assured of purity and safety. 

How do I know if Alpha Bullet Churan is right for my constipation issues?

Alpha Bullet Churan is great for constipation regardless of the root cause. The ancient mix is formulated to heal every cause to the core. This is why the results last. To determine if Alpha Bullet Churan is suitable for your specific type of constipation, consider your Dosha imbalance and Agni (digestive fire). Alpha Bullet Churan is
beneficial for all Pitta, Vata, and Kapha.

Can Alpha Bullet Churan help with weight loss or detoxification?

While Alpha Bullet Churan is primarily a friend to your digestive system, helping it work smoothly, it can be a supportive partner in your weight loss or detox journey. Improving digestion and regularity aids in gently cleansing the body, which is beneficial in a weight loss or detoxification plan. 

Is Alpha Bullet Churan natural?

Yes, Alpha Bullet Churan is like a little piece of nature in a jar. It's made from a blend of natural Ayurvedic herbs, each bringing unique benefits to the table. No synthetic chemicals or artificial ingredients here – just pure, plant-based goodness, as nature intended.

How is Alpha Bullet Churan different from over-the-counter laxatives?

While regular laxatives often focus on quick, sometimes harsh relief, Alpha Bullet Churan subtly nurtures your digestive system and promotes natural regularity without being too aggressive. ABC has no chemicals, no side effects, and no synthetics.  

Where can I purchase Alpha Bullet Churan? Is it available online?

Finding Alpha Bullet Churan is as easy as a few clicks or a short walk. You can buy Alpha Bullet Churan online on, Amazon or Flipkart. 

How does Alpha Bullet Churan compare to traditional home remedies for constipation?

Alpha Bullet Churan combines several Ayurvedic elements known for their laxative, healing, and digestive properties, offering a more comprehensive approach than most single-ingredient home remedies. It's like a well-rounded team of herbs working together versus a solo player.

Can Alpha Bullet Churan be combined with other Ayurvedic therapies for holistic health?

Yes, Alpha Bullet Churan can be part of a broader Ayurvedic regimen. It's often used with dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and other herbal supplements for a deeper approach to good health.

How does long-term use of Alpha Bullet Churan affect gut health and digestion?

Alpha Bullet Churan can help maintain healthy digestion and regular bowel movements with normal use. It's designed to support the digestive system without causing dependency, a common issue with some synthetic laxatives. 

Are there any specific times of day when Alpha Bullet Churan should be taken for maximum

It is quite literally as easy as ABC! 

Scoop out a small amount and consume it with water twice daily. No more challenging times in the bathroom! It makes your digestion better, cleans your stomach, and gets rid of constipation problems. Simple as that! 

Is Alpha Bullet Churan good for gut health?

Yes, it is composed of 100% natural and Ayurvedic herbs and condiments; ABC is not just good but great for your gut. It improves your metabolism and balances your Agni for better digestion.