The best sleep you'll ever have*

A sound and deep sleep is essential for both the body and mind. Alpha K2 brings best natural sleep inducers together in a bottle!

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Alpha K2 Deep Sleep Drops

Alpha K2 Deep Sleep Drops

Regular price Rs. 504.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 504.00
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It is only when you sleep deeply that your body repairs cellularly, cognitive functions are balanced, and so are the Doshas! This Ayurvedic medicine for deep sleep will make you hug your bed like never before.

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Step Into The Trance

Just take a few drops on your fingers and rub them on your forehead and temples. You can also dab a few drops on your pillowcase. As you inhale the perfect blend, you will relax and de-stress. This Ayurvedic medicine for insomnia will help you sleep better and for longer. 

Try it and unwind! We know it's going to be a long-long sleep! Zzz!

  • Lavender

    Has recently gained viral recognition but has been used in Ayurvedic therapies for centuries because of its benefits. It has cooling & soothing effects, which are great for stress release and, thus, sleep!

  • Mint

    Not only refreshing in the summers as a part of 'Aam Pana' but also has a cooling impact on your body, which is excellent for a night of deep sleep.  

  • Carom Seeds

    Great for digestion and Vatta imbalance. It reduces the discomfort caused by digestive issues that disrupt sleep. It also reduces heartburn and other symptoms that keep you up late!  

  • Camphor 

    Has a solid and refreshing scent. It also opens up your respiratory airway to relieve congestion. Its Kapha-pacifying nature prevents indifference and heaviness that can interfere with quality sleep.

Frequently asked questions about Alpha K2

What is Alpha K2?

Alpha K2 is an Ayurvedic therapy product designed to promote deep sleep. It is a natural formulation by Alpha Arogya that aims to help individuals achieve a state of relaxation and improve their sleep quality.

How does Alpha K2 Ayurvedic medicine for deep sleep work?

Alpha K2 utilizes the calming properties of Ayurvedic herbs to relax the mind and body. These ingredients help to balance the body's natural sleep cycle, reduce stress, and relieve sleep disturbances, leading to deeper and more restorative sleep.

What are the key ingredients in Alpha K2?

A perfect blend of herbs like camphor, mint, lavender, and carom seeds. These are ayurvedically & traditionally used to promote relaxation and sleep.

Is Alpha K2 Ayurvedic medicine for deep sleep safe for everyone?

Alpha K2 is made from natural ingredients and is considered safe for adults. However, individuals with allergies to specific herbs or those on medication should consult a healthcare provider before use.

How do I use Alpha K2 Ayurvedic medicine for deep sleep?

Alpha K2 is typically used by applying the product as directed, often before bedtime, to aid relaxation and sleep. The exact method of application and dosage should be followed as per the instructions on the product packaging or as advised by a healthcare professional.

How quickly does Alpha K2 provide relief?

The onset of relief with Alpha K2 can vary from person to person. Some may feel its calming effects the first night, while others may need to use it consistently over time to experience the full benefits.

Are there any side effects of using Alpha K2?

Due to its natural composition, Alpha K2 is naturally well-tolerated. No additives and chemicals ensure no harm to your body.

How does Alpha K2 contribute to overall well-being?

By improving sleep quality, Alpha K2 can contribute to better physical and mental health. Adequate sleep is essential for the body's repair processes, mood regulation, and cognitive function.

Where can I purchase Alpha K2 Ayurvedic medicine for deep sleep?

Alpha K2 can be purchased through the official Alpha Arogya website, Amazon, and other online retailers that carry Ayurvedic health products.

How long does a container of Alpha K2 last?

The duration of the time a container of Alpha K2 will last depends on the frequency of use and the amount applied each time. Using the product as recommended is important to ensure it lasts while providing effective results.

Can Alpha K2 be used with other medications?

Alpha K2 is a natural therapy product and may be used alongside other medications. However, if you are on prescription medication, especially for sleep or psychiatric conditions, consult your healthcare provider before use.

Is Alpha K2 vegan and cruelty-free?

Yes, Alpha K2 is entirely vegetarian and cruelty-free in its stages and processes. Our products come from locally sourced ingredients that are also available separately!

How does Alpha K2 fit into an Ayurvedic lifestyle?

Alpha K2 aligns with Ayurvedic principles, emphasizing natural and holistic health approaches. This product can be part of a broader Ayurvedic lifestyle that prioritizes balance, relaxation, and natural remedies for common health issues.

Can Alpha K2 be used every night?

Yes, Alpha K2 is designed for regular use. Incorporating it into your nightly routine ensures consistent benefits and improved sleep quality.